Monday, December 1, 2008


Multiculturalism is another important thing that I want to incorporate into my teaching. This day in time, most schools have different students from different cultures residing in their classes. This seems to be an issue for some people, but I want to make it resolved, at least in my class. In one of my classes I am taking here at South, we learn about different cultures and how to involve them and their families with class and school functions. I believe that this issue is important, take a look around there are so many differences between people today, and that is not a bad thing, but we need to be aware of each others beliefs and customs. A way I would want to incorporate multicultarism in my class is maybe each week or month learn a few things from a different culture. Even if there is no difference within my class, I want them to be aware of these things for future referance. It would be great when they get older and they must be involved with a different culture, and they already know all about it. There are so many ways that teachers can incorporate multicultural activites for our young people.

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