Monday, December 1, 2008


To be successful in my teaching career is very important to me. It is not about having summers off, getting off at three o'clock and going in at seven thirty, my career will revolve around my students. Growing up, I think I can truley say I had some of the best teachers there were. I look around today and think I'm glad I was in school back then and not now, some teachers don't need to be teachers. I did an interview for one of my classes and I asked the teacher why should people become teachers(elementary), she said "the love of children." I believe that sums it up. When my students have grown up and they look back on their education I want to be the teacher that they remember and loved. No matter what they may have done or what they will do I want it to be their best and learn from their experiences. If I can manage to be successful, I think my students(most of them anyway) will follow especially if I set a good example for them. This is what I want to see when I look back once I am retired many many years down the road... SUCCESS!!

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